6 hours/month

Saved on coding & reporting

3 hours/month

Saved on expense report processing


Faster month-end close process
CrestCo, a growing e-commerce platform, faced significant inefficiencies with its manual expense management system. Ripple's AI-driven platform automated key processes, allowing the finance team to focus on strategic growth initiatives while significantly reducing time spent on routine tasks.

The challenge

CrestCo’s finance team struggled with a legacy expense management system that relied heavily on manual processes. Team members were bogged down with tracking credit card usage, chasing receipts, and reconciling expenses across numerous spreadsheets. This lack of automation not only consumed valuable time but also led to inconsistent reporting and limited visibility into company spending. As CrestCo aimed to streamline operations and incorporate more AI-driven solutions, the finance team sought a robust platform to automate these processes and enhance overall efficiency.

The solution

After evaluating multiple expense management platforms, CrestCo chose Ripple for its all-in-one automation capabilities. Ripple's platform provided seamless integration with CrestCo’s existing systems, automated expense reporting, and real-time spend visibility. The finance team quickly implemented Ripple, benefiting from its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls. Ripple’s AI-powered tools allowed CrestCo to automate coding, streamline approvals, and maintain tighter control over corporate spending—all without the need for extensive manual intervention.

The results

By adopting Ripple, CrestCo’s finance team saved 6 hours per month on coding and reporting, along with 3 hours per month on expense report processing. The platform’s automation capabilities reduced the month-end close process by nearly 50%, allowing the team to finalize financials within 12-13 days. This newfound efficiency enabled CrestCo to reallocate resources towards higher-level strategic initiatives, improving overall business performance. The enhanced visibility and security features also provided peace of mind, ensuring that all transactions were monitored and properly documented for audits.


Ripple’s automated platform empowered CrestCo’s lean finance team to do more with less. By eliminating manual tasks and improving reporting accuracy, Ripple allowed CrestCo to focus on scaling their business while maintaining tight control over financial operations.

"Ripple has transformed the way we manage our finances. The automation has been a lifesaver, allowing us to close our books faster and focus on what really matters—growing our business."

Sarah Lee, CFO, CrestCo

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